10 States with the Easiest Bar Exams to Pass in the US

What everyone want is an easy exam. People wants to be welcomed into the legal guild with basically open arms and perhaps even a well-paying and secure job.  With this strategy in mind, experts of Insidermonkey researched a lot to bring you a list of the ten states with the easiest bar exams to pass in the US.

While we can look at the bar passage rates for various states, that alone doesn’t tell us the full story because there are considerable differences in the talent pool lining up to take the bar in each state. Recognizing this, Professor Anderson used data of passage rates where the LSAT score average for that same pool of students was was known, to determine a “Bonus Percent” by which other bar exams are easier than the hardest one, which is happens to be California.

Moreover, if you are thinking about going to undergrad, give yourself a leg up and take some AP classes in high school.  Use the list of Insidermonkey on the 6 Easiest AP Classes to guide your judgment.

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