Best Countries in Urban Planning

Cities and towns must respond to the changing needs of their populations. New schools, better parks and recreation centers, updated hospitals and medical centers, water infrastructures and improved highway and travel thruways are all integral aspects of a functioning society. With the development and implementation of each of these projects, there are concerns which must be considered in advance. City and state officials are responsible for ensuring the safety of their citizens while the needs of the growing populations are addressed. Environmental matters must also be considered. And that's where Urban Planning comes in. To ensure all those facilities, urban planning is a necessity! Now, if you want to know about the countries that did the best planning, you should check out this article of Insidermonkey on the best countries in urban planning. There are many lists you can find on the google, but trust me, this one is the most accurate one!

As I said, urban planning takes care of the arrangement of buildings, streets, parks, institutions and, of course, transportation. The best countries in urban planning have a perfect balance between all this. Such good planning is more and more connected to new technologies and inventions, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that few of the countries listed below host some of the most technologically advanced cities in the world. Just take a look at this list as well and compare.

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