Most Haunted Places in America

Whether you're a believer or not, America's towns are filled with spooky stories, and haunted places, passed down through time. From haunted fortresses to grisly tales of suffering and death, Insidermonkey pulled together a list of the most haunted places in America. Check it out, you will not be disappointed!

These amazing places boast frequent paranormal activity, documented evidence and dozens of reputable eyewitness accounts. Visiting any one of these places provides opportunities for firsthand experience for those interested in paranormal phenomena, ghost activity and ghost hunting. Now, if you’re easily creeped out, reading through this expansive list may not be the best idea.  If you’re enthralled by the supernatural though, or simply intrigued, then this list makes for one fascinating experience. And if they are not just enough for you and looking for more of these interesting places, be sure to check out the feature we did on The 6 Most Haunted Cities in America as well.

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