Top 20 Colleges in the US that Receive the Most Donations from Alumni

Have you ever wondered which are the colleges in the United States that receive the most donations from Alumni? We can tell you about them today, as Insider Monkey has an article ready with a list of top twenty colleges in the US that receive the most donations from Alumni. Let’s read that article to find out about them.

Stating that one college is better than the other is hardly ever an entirely objective matter, as there are a plethora of indicators and factors that must be taken into account. However, a good way of judging how colleges are faring out is by looking at how much graduates are eager to give back to the schools that have offered them their education. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that there is a high degree of correlation between the amount of donations each school receives and the quality of education provided by that school.

We would like to present you with a list we have compiled of the 20 top colleges in the US that receive the most donations from alumni, based on a report recently released by Forbes Magazine. Their report, the Grateful Graduates Index 2014 ranked colleges across the country according to the average amount of donations from former students, within a ten year time frame as well as the percentage of alumni that donated to the college during the timeframe. To read more, please visit Top 20 Colleges in the US that Receive the Most Donations from Alumni.

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