The 10 Countries with Lowest Healthcare Costs

How do we fund our healthcare? As the US reacts to the latest supreme court ruling on President Obama's proposals, and the media's attention turns to how individual states will enforce the new proposals, we thought it would be interesting to take a step back and check out the countries with lowest healthcare costs, and see how people living their lives there. So, if you would like to know everything about these countries, please click on the link to visit the Insidermonkey. You will find the whole article there. Maybe we can learn some lessons from examining the nations that don't spend so much.

How effective are these countries' health-care systems? If we use life expectancy as a barometer, they don't appear too effective. Five of the seven nations have life expectancy well below the average. However, South Korea and Israel have above-average life expectancy. Israel's life expectancy of 81.7 years ranks as the sixth highest among OECD members. Six of the countries also have fewer citizens reporting good health than the average. Only Israel scores well in this metric, with 82% of people stating that they perceived their health as good. Many of these nations with low medical costs are seeing those costs grow rapidly. Only Mexico and Israel have health-care growth rates below the average.

It's remarkable how low America places in health care efficiency: among the 48 countries included in the Bloomberg study, the U.S. ranks 46th, outpacing just Serbia and Brazil. Once that sinks in, try this one on for size: the U.S. ranks worse than China, Algeria, and Iran. However, having a low healthcare costs doesn't mean, their lifestyle is also poor. If you check out the list of the 20 Countries With the Lowest Cost of Living in the World, you will notice that the countries having lowest healthcare costs are not the countries having lowest cost of living.

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