8 Most Promiscuous Rock Stars

While female sexuality in pop has been pronounced for decades, it has translated to the real lives and/or personas of its sources in vaguely fictive terms, in serial monogamy or with qualification. Ke$ha, who snarls lyrics like, "Don't be a little bitch with your chit chat / Just show me where your dick's at," and writes songs about her vagina is, at a minimum, committed to giving the illusion that she lives as she sings/whine-raps. Though given the continued cultural disdain for female promiscuity and her rock-star status, there's good reason to believe that she's harvesting all the dick that she brags about. Anyway, the fact is a lot of Rock Stars went through aggressive sexual activities. And to know about them, just check the list experts of Insidermonkey compiled on the most promiscuous rock stars in the industry.

Musicians have historically been known for their loose belts when it comes to their sexual activity, but who are the most promiscuous rock stars in the industry? In the world of rock-and-roll, groupies are never far away, presenting a major temptation for male and female artists alike. However, while some celebrities keep their love affairs. And that's why some famous songs became controversial. And as a music fan, you should check out the article on the most controversial songs of all time as well.

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