Have you ever wondered which are the most famous city
squares in the world? We can tell you about many of them, as Insider Monkey has
an article ready which contains the information about the eleven most famous
city squares in the world. Let’s have a look on the article to
find out about those city squares.
City squares are an integral part of most traditional towns.
They are not only the frequent hangout for the citizens but also are entwined
with the city’s histories and great tourist attractions. These are the main
places in the cities that are always abuzz with activity and social gatherings.
At some places they are called the market square, the plaza,
or the urban square. Some others are adorned with fountains and statue that has
become so synonymous with it that the square itself might be referred to as a
‘fountain square’. But, whatever the name might be, city squares are
essentially the heart of the cities, where most of its social activities are
concentrated. From the inspiration seeking artist to the working class hero
enjoying his day off, one can see the entire motley crew of residents here. To
read more, please visit 11 Most Famous City Squares in the World.
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