11 Least Educated Countries in the World

Education plays a vital role in every nation’s success and determining its future. Countries which do not pay attention on providing education to children stay behind other countries in the race of success. Do you know about the countries which are least educated? Insider Monkey has a compiled a list of eleven least educated countries in the world. Let’s have a look on the article to find out about those countries.

You probably wouldn’t complain about your school as much as if you were born in one of the 11 least educated countries in the world. In fact, you probably wouldn’t even go to school, statistically speaking.  This is even more true for women.

Traditionally, in these countries women are still discriminated on many levels, education being one of the most visible and most damaging in the long run. Unfortunately, this problem isn’t limited to just least educated countries in the world. To read more, please visit 11 Least Educated Countries in the World.

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