11 Largest Cities in the World by Population Density

To enjoy most of the modern facilities in life, people move from villages to cities making them highly populated. Do you know about the largest cities in the world by population density? If you don’t, we can tell you about many of them. Insider Monkey has compiled a list of eleven largest cities in the world by population density. Let’s have a look on the article and find out about those cities.

Abundant population, while beneficial for the economics, often leads to overcrowding related problems such as increased crime, social problems, pollution, not enough facilities to cater for each age group’s numbers and many more. One big problem that designers and architects are looking to solve is the lack of housing to be provided to all new families.

However the greater minds decide to battle the problems, though, it is apparent that modern civilization, while always running in deficiency, is always looking for ways to expand.  With longer life expectancy, better healthcare and an increasingly convenient lifestyle, people tend to not only live longer, but also raise more and more healthy offsprings, which technically leads to an exponential growth. To read more, please visit 11 Largest Cities in the World by Population Density.

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