11 Countries That Consume the Most Oil in the World

Being a source of energy, oil is very important for every country to fulfill its transportation and other requirements. There are many countries in the world which have plenty of oil reserves but do you know about countries that consume the most of oil in the world? To find that out, let’s have a look on Insider Monkey’s article with a list of eleven countries that consume the most oil in the world.

These are the countries that spend the vast majority of oil produced worldwide in ever increasing thirst for energy. In the United States alone, 40% of energy is derived from oil, significantly higher percentage than world 33% average. Oil is a very convenient energy source, being very energy dense and easily portable.

Most of the oil is spent on transportation. Various types of fuels account for about 70% of oil consumption. These include gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel that  allow people and cargo to be moved (ironically, some of that cargo are oil and oil based products). To read more, please visit 11 Countries That Consume the Most Oil in the World.

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