Have you ever wanted to know about the countries where
people consume the most quantity of the beer? If you did, we can tell you about such countries,
as Insider Monkey has compiled a list of eleven countries that consume the most
beer per capita. Let’s have a look on the article to find out if your country
is present in that list.
Beer is undoubtedly one of the most popular drinks of the
masses. Apparently, it is also the third most consumed drink in the world
besides water and tea. And the popularity of beer isn’t really new-found. It is
said to be the oldest fermented drink. This beverage has become an integral
part of some cultures and the very base of their social interaction.
So, what makes beer such a hero in social gatherings? Well,
for one the alcohol content is reduced as compared to other drinks. Generally,
beer consists of 4-6% of alcohol content. It essentially means that the party
can go on without considerably inebriated antics. To read more, please visit 11
Countries That Consume the Most Beer Per Capita.
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