11 Countries That Consume the Most Alcohol

High consumption of alcohol may be injurious to health but these countries, about which we are going to tell you, consume alcohol just without caring about anything. Have you ever heard about the countries that consumer the most alcohol or you can say up to insane level? Insider Monkey has an article ready which has a list of eleven countries that consume the most alcohol.

Let’s raise our glasses to the 11 countries that consume the most alcohol and sure know how to hold their liquor! They are the veterans of the heavy drinker’s circles and seasoned in the art of having a few (litres in this case). And, when considering consumption of pure alcohol per capita among adults per annum some of the top countries on the list score as high as 17 litres even. Crazy right!

We inferred that majority of these countries lie in the Eastern Europe, so if you are an enthusiasts yourself, you know where to head for some indulgence and find some drinking company for your next holiday trip. To read more, please visit 11 Countries That Consume the Most Alcohol.

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