10 Affordable Boarding Schools in England

Are you searching for some of the affordable boarding schools in England? We can help you out in finding those schools, as Insider Monkey has compiled a list of ten boarding schools in England that are affordable. Let’s have a look on the list and find out about those schools.

Everybody has heard about Eton and Harrow. Also, everybody knows that these schools charge an arm and a leg for tuition. To be more precise, one school year in, for example, Eton will cost you ₤34,434. That’s $53,974 and there are registration and acceptance fees that amount to few thousands on top of that. In comparison, Columbia University, one of the most expensive colleges in the United States, charges $63,440 per school year.

There is irony in the fact the Eton was founded by King Henry VI to provide free education to boys from impoverished families. Fortunately, there are alternatives for people who haven’t been born with a silver spoon in their mouths. These are state boarding schools and they don’t charge tuition, just boarding fees. To read more, please visit 10 Affordable Boarding Schools in England.

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