10 Largest Cattle Producing States in the US

Did you ever want to know about the states in the US which have largest cattle production? If you’ve this question in your mind, we’ve the answer for you. InsiderMonkey can tell you about those ten states which are producing more cattle than others in the United States of America.

Let’s start with the world – the US is the 5th largest country in the world by cattle inventory, with 87,750,000 cattle head it carries 8, 77% cattle head of the world. The world cattle inventory is estimated at 1,000,585,000 head.  More cattle, than the US, have India, Brazil, China and European Union, with India having the most. With 301,100,000 cattle head, India carries 30.09% of the world’s inventory.

What is even more interesting is that even though the US is in the 5th place by the number of cattle head, it is in the 1st place by beef production in the world, while India is in the 5th. To read more, please visit 10 Largest Cattle Producing States in the US.

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