Most Popular TV Episodes

We all enjoy a good TV show, or several shows in that matter. We all want a good laugh with a comedy, or go through all that drama with an action or a drama show. We like to play investigators, singers, workers, everything that our favorite character is playing on the show. People usually get too attached to a TV show. They cannot stop watching it and hope that it will never end. They just put all of their hopes in that next season. Most of the time, the season finale is some major cliffhanger and we cannot wait for our show to be aired again. But every show has that one special episode that has stolen our hearts and has made us fall in love with that particular show. A list of the most popular tv episodes has been made by the TV Guide.
The list is compiled by the popularity of that episode, and of course, according to the number of views that has attracted. Nowadays, that selection can also be made by how many ‘tweets’ the episode has. With the advanced social networks, like Twitter and Facebook, a lot of the shows have gained a huge popularity. The episode that steals people’s heart is usually trending on the networks and everybody is talking about it.

What makes an episode special is how the viewers re-live the situation in which their character is. The thing that makes the TV shows special, is that a person can get so attached to a character that they feel their pain or their happiness. So, they don’t want that show to stop because with the ending of the show a little part of their life will end as well. 

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