What are the Greatest Empires in History Which Nearly Conquered the World?

What are the greatest empires in history that nearly conquered the World? A few of  the most powerful countries in the World militarily have come near accomplishing this. Turks have a few empires that dominated the World a couple of times but you wouldn't believe which was the greatest empire in history? Here is what Insider Monkey said:

Battles and wars have been prompted by the desire to conquer territories, sometimes to reassure their already acquired portion of the world, sometimes to expand their culture and knowledge base, as easily as to maintain their heritage, among several other causes.Over different periods, civilizations have grown and flourished like living things, establishing their territories, drawing their frontier lines, and laying out the limits of their domains.

If you are interested in some of the countries which have developed pretty powerful armies, check out the list we've made featuring The 10 Most Powerful Countries In The World: Military. This time we examine some of the greatest empires in history. Considering the dimension of an Empire requires some precise definition. We have chosen to list the following empires regarding their maximum land area occupied, in million km2. So check out the list of the greatest empires in history!

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