TED Talks: The Best of the Best in Tech

TED talks is being adored by many because of its inspiring videos that it has to offer. Insider Monkey created a posting about "TED Talks: The Best of the Best in Tech".

One of the greatest platforms created in the 21st century is TED talks. All you need is an internet connection and a whole bunch of interesting and inspiring videos become available. Since the slogan of the TED company is "Ideas Worth Spreading," each 15-minute TED talk provides many insights and ideas on a variety of subjects. The fact that over 500 million viewers have watched these videos is a testament to their popularity and their impact on modern culture.

 TED is a non-profit company and it's a key representative of a variety of conferences that take place in several locations worldwide. The first TED conference took place in 1984 and hosted three subjects: entertainment, technology and design. Currently, the number of subjects has extended a bit, and also includes business, science, and global issues. You may see Insider Monkey for more information about TED talks.

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