Apple-Netflix Ortakligi

Insider Monkey sitesinde agirlikli olarak hisse secimi konusunda yazi yayinlasak da teknoloji icerikli yazilara da yer veriyoruz. Bu yazilardan bir tanesinde Netflix-Apple ortakligina degindik. Iste "Netflix Using Apple For Game Changing New Service" baslikli yazidan bir paragrafi asagiya aktardik:

It's no secret that everyone from Gene Munster to Brian White expect a standalone Apple TV within the next year or two, and while it may not seem like a big deal that Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) is using the company's set-top box to test its new service, it still undoubtedly has Apple bulls itching for more.
Even so, this latest Netflix-Apple connection is too curious to ignore, and we're just throwing it out there, but Apple has enough cash to buy Netflix ten times over. Heck, even Jim Cramer thought that a purchase of the video streaming site might not be a bad idea for Cupertino.

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