Julian Robertson Kimdir?

Julian Robertson George Soros'tan sonra en meshur hedge fon yoneticilerinden bir tanesidir. Robertson Sezen Aksu'nun pop muzigin bir cok yeni yildizini yetistirmesi gibi Amerika'daki bir cok meshur hedge fon yoneticisini yetistirmistir. Julian Robertson'in portfoyune su gunlerde aldigi hisseler borsa endekslerinden cok daha iyi performans gosteriyor.

Bu konuyla ilgili yazimiza Julian Robertson's New Stock Picks baslikli yazimizdan ulasabilirsiniz. Iste bir bolum:

Legendary investor Julian Robertson doesn’t manage tens of billions of dollars and employ bright analysts anymore. He still follows the market and receives stock tips from his “Tiger cubs”. He stopped managing money for his clients more than 10 years ago, but he is still widely followed in the media and his comments attract a lot of attention. Robertson’s stellar track record is to credit. Julian Robertson returned 31.7% per year after fees between 1980 and 1998, beating S&P 500′s 12.7% annual return by a huge margin.

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