Highest Rated Movies of All Time

I must say that I cannot have a day go by, without watching a movie. We all love to laugh at a good comedy when our day is just not going well. Or even when we want to have a great time with our friends and enjoy a good laugh. When we are feeling a little depressed, or in a need of a love story and a happy ending we always enjoy the romantic and family movies. Of course, we cannot forget about the drama or the action movies; they are breathtaking. Oh, how much we crave for the horror movies that give us the creeps, but we still are crazy for them.
A fun fact is that regardless of the film’s genre, people usually choose what movie to watch by its ratings.  Movies are rated by how long they have stayed at the top of the box office. Also, by how many tickets they’ve sold, how long have they been running in the cinemas, by their sales and so on.

Aside from these features according to which the rating’s going, the highest rated movies of all time have a feature of their own on their side. The top rated movies are most often the sequels. Everyone has heard of the Godfather movies or Star Wars, and my favorite, Harry Potter movies. The rating is also usually done by  a regular voting for your favorite movies on the most popular website called, International Movie Database (IMDB). On the basis of these votes, a chart of the most appreciated movies is later created. So, go on and find out which are the top rated movies of all time and enjoy a night watching one of them. 

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