11 States with the Lowest Suicide Rates in America

Although suicide is a topic that most of us would rather not discuss, it affects us all. We often comfort ourselves with the notion that it wouldn’t happen to us or those we love. After all, we believe that if our loved ones were feeling hopeless and depressed we would be among the first to know, and we would help them. Here is the 11 states with the lowest suicide rates in America, which list is made by our Insider Monkey experts.

The number of Americans who die by suicide has climbed to more than 40,000 deaths annually, according to CDC data  some states saw significant suicide rate increases in recent years. Between 2007 and 2012, total annual suicide deaths increased in all but two states, and twenty states recorded increases of more than 20 percent.Select a state below to view total suicide deaths and age-adjusted suicide rates by state. Here is the 11 states with the highest suicide rates in Americ.

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