Best Warren Buffett Quotes on Money

Warren Buffett, the billionaire continues to be involved in some of the biggest investment plays in the world. Buffett is undoubtedly the most successful investor in history. His investment philosophy is no secret, and he has repeatedly shared bits and pieces of it through a lifetime of quips. He is not only known for his investment philosophy, but also for his great quotes on money. Now, if you are interested in his wisdom about money, Insidermonkey made a list with best Warren Buffett quotes on money for you.

Warren Buffett is a true genius as he is able to simplify complex ideas into quotes that will stand the test of time. Warren Buffett spent his life dispensing advice to all who would listen, earning him the nickname of the Oracle of Omaha. In the 1960s, this advice came about twice a year in letters to investors in his investment partnerships. And in the past 20 years, Warren Buffett has become a household name through appearances on TV and interviews in magazines.

Warren Buffett may be among the world's richest men, but you wouldn't know it if you met him. He wants to be liked far more than he wants to be famous, and his sense of humor is far more indicative of his personality than his ego. Although super rich, Warren lives a “simple” life. He is widely known for  being courteous, personable, and humble. Obviously, Warren Buffett is a genius when it comes to  investing and in life, so it pays to listen to his words. So, if you’re interested in finding about Warren Buffet’s philosophy in life, we also suggest you read our coverage of The 20 Most Inspirational Warren Buffett Quotes on Business, Investing and Life.

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