Most Expensive Cities to Live in the United States

Affordability aside, America's costliest cities often have a lot to offer residents: diverse populations, interesting attractions and active social scenes. Costs alone cannot dictate the attractiveness of a place. But knowing the numbers could help you make an informed decision about relocating to a pricey new city. So, wouldn't you like to know what the most expensive cities to live in North America are?

However, if you are thinking that only rich people live in these expensive cities, you are wrong.  Having the high cost of living doesn't mean that the city is providing the best public service. Nor it means that the city is full of rich people. There is something more. Now, if you are confused, you should check the list on the top 10 richest cities in the world, so you can compare both lists and get a clear idea.

The cost of living has gone up for most of us across the US. But, some places are and will always be more expensive to live in than others. Some people are glad to make the sacrifices needed to live in the most expensive cities in the US. Others would rather trade the high cost of living and live in an inexpensive location that leaves money in their pockets at the end of the day.

So, what are the most expensive places to live? Well, let’s visit the insidermonkey and see for yourself!

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